Data Source Types

Data sources are the building blocks that you use to set up an enterprise configuration. Data sources define all the databases and logic machines required by the EnterpriseOne configuration. Each database and machine in the enterprise must be defined as a data source for EnterpriseOne to recognize it.

There are two types of data sources:

Database Data Sources

A database is a grouping of tables in a database management system. You must identify databases to the applications that access them. You can distribute databases across a network and involve various servers and database management systems. A database data source identifies the database information that the software needs to connect to a database.

Logic Machine Data Sources

A logic machine is the machine on which batch applications and master business functions run. You must identify logic machines using a data source definition. The data source definition must include the network information about the machine, such as a server name - HP9000, for example.

When mapping logic objects for distributed processing, the software uses the machine data source (distributed processing data source) as the target location for processing logic objects.