Data Sources

The data sources define where the database tables reside and where the software runs logic objects for the enterprise. Data sources can point to:

  • A database in a specific location (for example, a local database, such as E1Local located in \E910\data, or an IBM i data library, such as PRODDATA).

  • A specific machine in the enterprise that processes logic.

Data source definitions are stored in the Data Source Master table (F98611). Workstations use a Common table F98611, which generally resides in the system data source on the enterprise server. EnterpriseOne servers that process logic and request data require their own unique definitions for data sources; therefore, they have their own table F98611 in the server map data source.

A least two sets of table F98611 exist. They reside in a centralized system data source normally kept on an enterprise server which is accessed by workstations, and in a server map data source, which each logic server requires.