Defining When the Scheduler Resubmits a Job

Access the Scheduling Advanced Options form.

You can define when the Scheduler resubmits jobs. This feature is useful if a job ends in error, for example, because the Scheduler will submit the job after a certain period of time.

To avoid the use of system resources, you can limit the number of times that a job can be resubmitted. You also can have the Scheduler check for connection errors or runtime errors when the job runs. Connection errors occur when the system fails to connect to the server to submit the job. Runtime errors occur when the server on which the job is running places the job in an error state. You can set up the system to monitor for both cases.

To define when the system resubmits jobs:

  1. On the Scheduling Advanced Options form, select the Job Resubmission tab.

  2. Specify the number of minutes that elapse before the job continues or terminates, and then activate one of the following options:

    • Let the job continue.

    • Terminate the job.

    • Terminate the job and resubmit.

  3. If you want to terminate the job and resubmit it after a certain period of time, select the terminate the job and resubmit after option, and enter the number of minutes that you want to elapse before the system resubmits the job.

  4. Select one of the following options that apply when the job ends in error:

    • Do nothing.

    • Resubmit immediately.

    • Resubmit after.

  5. Specify whether you want the system to check for connection errors, runtime errors, or both.

  6. In the Max Number of Job Resubmissions field, specify the maximum number of times that you want the job to be resubmitted.

  7. Click OK.