Overriding Batch Application Specifications

Access the Scheduling Advanced Options form.

You can specify if you want errors written to the jde.log. If you want errors written to the jdedebug.log, you can set the trace level to determine what types of errors to include in the log.

You can also override the printer at which a report is printed. This feature is useful if a specific printer is down or if you want to print a report to a printer other than the default. You can specify whether a job should be printed immediately upon completion or held in the job queue to be printed later.

Also, you can override the queue to which the output of a submitted job is sent. If you want to pass parameters to a particular batch job, you can attach a report interconnect through Batch Application Specifications.

To override batch application specifications:

  1. On the Scheduling Advanced Options form, select the Batch Application Overrides tab.

  2. Select one or more of the following options:

    • Jde.log

    • Jdedebug.log

      If you select jdedebug.log, you must also select the jde.log option.

  3. Complete these fields:

    • UBE Logging Level

      If you select jdedebug.log, you can set a trace level to log certain levels of errors.

    • Printer Name

      Enter the name of the printer to which you want to print the report that the job generates. If you want to use a default printer, specify DEFAULT.

    • Print Immediate

      If you want the job output to be sent to the printer immediately, select this option.

    • Job Queue

      Enter the name of the job queue to which you want the job output sent.

  4. Click OK.