
An EnterpriseOne environment is a collection of pointers indicating the location of data and EnterpriseOne software objects. An environment answers these questions:

  • Where is my data?

  • What machine will process my logic?

  • What directory contains the object being processed?

EnterpriseOne provides an environment as a pointer to data and logic objects. For example, in the Purchase Order application the answers are as follows:



Where is my data?

A user clicks the Find button to locate a Purchase Order. The environment determines in which database the table resides.

What machine will process my logic?

When finished entering an order, the user clicks OK. The environment determines where the logic (a master business function) necessary to record the transaction will process and where the transaction tables reside to enter the order.

What directory contains the object being processed?

After entering a user ID and password, a user must select the environment to log on to. If you have multiple sets of objects, selecting the environment determines which objects that EnterpriseOne executes (the directory in which they reside). This location is called a path code, and EnterpriseOne defines it in the Library List Master File (F0094) table.