Path Codes

A path code can refer to the central development objects on the deployment server or to replicated objects on a workstation or logic server. A path code exists for each unique set of central objects. For example, you might have a set of objects reserved for software updates that you can deploy to users and a set of objects that you reserve for major enhancements.

A set of objects or the path code can reside in these locations:

Central Server

Contains the central set of development objects specifications. All development occurs in this location. The path code connects the specifications and the C components on the deployment server.


Contains a replicated set of objects that EnterpriseOne uses at run time.

Shared Object Server

Contains a replicated set of objects that EnterpriseOne Enterprise and HTML servers use to process logic on these servers.

The Object Path table (F00942) contains path codes that track a set of objects and their location within EnterpriseOne.