Path Code

The Path Code form is used to specify the path code that will be associated with the new environment.

To copy the path code, click on Copy an Existing Path Code. To copy a package from that path code, you must choose a full package. The name you choose for your new package must not already exist as a package for any path code. The application fills in the information based on the source path code.

Access the Path Code form.

Path Code form.
Share an Existing Path Code

The path code is a pointer to a set of EnterpriseOne objects and is used to keep track of sets of objects and their locations within EnterpriseOne.

Copy an Existing Path Code

The path code is a pointer to a set of EnterpriseOne objects and is used to keep track of sets of objects and their locations within EnterpriseOne.

Existing Package Name

The existing package name is the source package in your source path code.

New Package Name

The new package name is the target package in the target path code that you are creating.