Scheduling a Job

Access the Work With Scheduled Jobs form. On the Work with Versions form, double-click the version that specifies the time zone in which the scheduled job will run.

Note: If you use only one time zone, you might not be prompted to select a version. In this case, the Work With Versions form does not appear. You can delete the Work With Versions form in the menu properties for P91300. By default, GH9015/P91300 prompts for the version.
  1. On the Work With Scheduled Jobs form, click Add.

  2. On the Scheduling Information Add form, in the Scheduled Job Name field, enter a name that uniquely identifies to the system and the user of a scheduled job.

    Use this name to indicate the job function, such as Monthly Close or Nightly Back Up.

  3. In the Scheduled Job Status, determine the status of the scheduled job.

    As long as the status is active, the Scheduler determines if the job should be submitted to the server for execution. When the scheduled end date for the job has been reached, the status changes to Not Active. To stop the Scheduler from considering the job for submission, you can change the status to Not Active (or suspended) at any time prior to the end date. You can reactivate the job if you want the Scheduler to include the job again, but you can reactivate a job only if the end date is in the future.

  4. In the Scheduled Batch Application, specify the object name of the report that the Scheduler submits to the server.

  5. In the Scheduled Version, specify the version of the report that is scheduled to run. A version identifies a specific set of data selections and sequencing settings that the batch job uses.

  6. In the Scheduled Start Date/Time, determine the next date on which the Scheduler submits the scheduled job to the server for execution, and then click OK.