Scheduling a Recurring Job

Access the Recurring Scheduling Information Revisions form.

  1. Select one of these options, and complete the accompanying fields that appear after you select an option:

    • By Time

      Run the job every n days or every weekday.

      Run the job at the specified time interval. For example, run the job every 40 minutes or every eight hours.

    • Daily

      Run the job at the specified interval of days or every weekday. For example, run the job every seven days or every weekday.

    • Weekly

      Recur every n weeks on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

      Run the job at the specified weekly interval on the specified day of the week. For example, run the job every two weeks on Monday.

    • Monthly

      Day n of every x months or the [first, last, and so on] [day, Sunday, Friday, and so on] of every n months.

      Run the job on the specified day of every n months or on a specific day of every n months. For example, run the job on day one of every four months or on the last Friday of every second month.

    • Period

      Day n of every x periods or the [first, last, and so on] [day, Sunday, Friday, and so on] of every n periods.

    • Company

    • Yearly

      Every [month name] [date] OR

      The [first, last, and so on] [day, Sunday, Friday, and so on] of [month name] OR

      Day x of the [first, last, and so on] period OR

      The [first, last, and so on] [day, Sunday, Friday, and so on] of the [first, last, and so on] period.

      Schedule the job at the specified time of the year. For example, you might want to run the job on the last day of December of each year, every January 1, on the first Monday of June, on day 15 of the last period, or on the second Tuesday of the fourth period.

  2. Specify when you want the Scheduler to stop submitting the job by selecting one of these options:

    • No end date

    • End after

    • End by

      Enter the month, day, and year on which you want the job to expire.

  3. Click OK.