Adding a Node Configuration

Access the SSO Environment Configuration Tools form. In JD Edwards Solution Explorer, select System Administration Tools (GH9011), Security Maintenance, Security Maintenance Advanced and Technical Operations, and then double-click SSO Environment Configuration Tools.

  1. Click the Single Signon Node Configuration link.

  2. On the Work With Node Configuration form, click Add.

  3. On the SSO Node Configuration Revisions form, complete these fields:



Node Name

Enter a logical name associated with this node. The length of the node name cannot exceed 15 characters.

Node Description

Enter a description of the node.

Machine Name

Enter the physical machine name where the node resides.

Node Status

Specify whether the node is active or inactive.

Node Password

Enter a password for the node. The password ensures that tokens that are generated from the node do not get tampered with.

Verify Node Password

Re-enter the password.