Additional Level of Private Data Security

In addition to storing Address Book privacy data in the Address Book Data Permission List Definition table (F01138), the system stores privacy data in these tables:

  • Address Book-Who's Who (F0111)

  • Address Book-Phone Numbers (F0115)

  • Address by Date (F0116)

When a user runs a report or an application other than the Address Book (such as a Universal Batch Engine report, the Data Browser, or the Universal Table Browser), if EnterpriseOne encounters secured private data in any of the tables in the preceding list, records or columns with secured data do not display in the results. The results displayed depend on whether the fetch is over one or multiple tables. If the fetch is over one table with a secured field, the records that contain secured private data do not appear in the output. If a fetch is over a business view with two tables, the records are displayed, but the columns with secured private data are blank.

For example, if an administrator configures private data security to prevent users of a role from viewing the Tax ID for search type E, and the Who's Who application is launched for an address book record with search type E, a user assigned to this role cannot view records for this Address Book record in the Who's Who application.

Note: When Address Book data security is configured, you can either enable or disable the additional level of security that prevents secured private data from appearing in other applications and output. See Enabling or Disabling Secured Private Data from Displaying in Other Applications and Output for more information.