Understanding Address Book Data Security

The Address Book data security feature enables you to restrict users from viewing address book information that you have determined is private, personal data. After performing the required setup for this feature, secured users can see the fields that you specify as secured, but the fields are filled with asterisks and are disabled. You can set up data security for these fields:

  • Tax ID

  • Addl Ind Tax ID (additional tax ID)

  • Address

    Includes Address Lines 1-7, City, State, Postal Code, Country, and County.

  • Phone Number

    Includes phone number and phone prefix.

  • Electronic Address

    Includes only electronic addresses with Type E.

  • Day of Birth, Month of Birth, and Year of Birth.

  • Gender

Note: In addition to these fields, the system enables you to designate up to eight other user-defined fields as secured. Included in the eight fields are: five string, one math numeric, one character, and one date type. To secure additional fields, you must modify the parameter list in the call to the business function B0100095. For example, if you want to designate Industry Class as a secured field, you must modify the call to the B0100095 business function to map Industry Class in the parameter list.

The Address Book data security feature provides an additional level of security by not allowing secured users to locate valid personal information using the query based example (QBE) line. For example, if a user enters numbers in the Tax ID field of the QBE line, the system does not display the matching record in the event that the user happens to enter a valid tax ID number.

Setting up Address Book data security involves these steps:

  1. Selecting the Activate Personal Data Security constant in the Address Book Constants.

    Personal data security is inactive unless the Activate Personal Data Security constant is selected.

  2. Setting up permission list definitions.

    Use the Address Book Data Permissions application (P01138) to create one or more permission lists that specify which fields in the Address Book are secured.

  3. Setting up permission list relationships.

    Use the Permission List Relationships application (P95922) to determine the users or roles that are subject to each permission list.

After you set up Address Book data security, users cannot view information in the fields that you specify as secured. The secured fields appear as asterisks and the system disables these fields for updates. However, users can view their own secured address book information. Also secured fields are not protected when adding new address book records.

In addition to storing Address Book privacy data in the Address Book Data Permission List Definition table (F01138), the system stores privacy data in these tables:

  • Address Book-Who's Who (F0111)

  • Address Book-Phone Numbers (F0115)

  • Address by Date (F0116)

During processing, when the system encounters a record that has privacy data, that record will not appear in reports, Universal Batch Engine (UBE) results, the Data Browser, and the Universal Table Browser (UTB).