Configure IDCS for SSO

Using the IDCS Administrative Console you must configure the OAuth Configuration tab of the JDE Application used for single sign-on. The EnterpriseOne SSO integration with IDCS uses the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant provided by IDCS (see doc The steps below describe the configuration for this type of authentication in IDCS.

For more information on the REST APIs in IDCS see:

All configurations below should be done on the existing Enterprise Application in IDCS that is used for EnterpriseOne single sign-on. It is recommended that SSO be configured and working for single sign-on before performing this additional configuration.

  1. In the IDCS administrative console navigate to the JDE application and select it.
  2. Navigate to the OAuth Configuration tab.

    Refer to these links to IDCS documentation for more information about OAuth configuration:

  3. Generate Client ID and Secret

    If you have not done so already in the General Information tab, choose to generate a client id and secret.

  4. Client Configuration

    Navigate to the Client Configuration section.

  5. In the Allowed Grant Types section, check the box for Resource Owner .
  6. Check the box for Introspect in Allowed Operations.
  7. In the Token Issuance Policy – Resources section, add the respective scope for this IDCS service. Make a note of the scope for use in configuration of the HTML Server, which is described in the following section.
  8. Save your changes to the Application.