Enable Access to UDO Security and Administration Applications

A security administrator must enable access to the following UDO security and administration applications before setting up UDO security:

Note: This section includes recommendations for the types of users you should authorize access to the UDO security and administration applications. You can adapt these recommendations based on your company's needs.
  • User Defined Object Management (P98220U) application.

    This is the application for approving UDOs for sharing with other users. Oracle recommends that only an administrator, manager, or power user responsible for approving UDOs has access to this application. Typically, the approver of a shared UDO should not be the same as the user who created the UDO. Use EnterpriseOne Application security in Security Workbench to secure this application. See Managing Application Security in this guide.

  • Work With User Defined Object View Security application (P00950UO).

    This application is accessible from the User Defined Object Management (P98220U) application, the application used for approving UDOs. It is an alternative to setting up UDO view security through the Security Workbench. This form gives you the option of providing a non-Security Workbench user, or the same user who is responsible for reviewing and approving shared UDOs in P98220U, the ability to set up view security for shared UDOs. All view security records created in this application are reflected in the view security form in Security Workbench. Use Hyper Exit security in the Security Workbench to authorize access to this form from P98220U. See Managing Hyper Exit Security in this guide.

  • Object Management Workbench for the Web (Web OMW).

    This application is used to manage the life cycle of user defined objects. Oracle recommends that only developers and system administrators have access to this application.

    In addition to determining who has access to Web OMW, you have to define the actions that Web OMW users can perform, for example which users are allowed to check out and modify a UDO through the Web OMW, check in a UDO, advance a UDO to another status, and so forth. See Configuring OMW User Roles and Allowed Actions in this guide for more information.

In addition to the preceding applications, the Security Workbench contains forms for setting up UDO feature, action, content and view security. Only security administrators who have access to the Security Workbench have access to these forms.