Run the TC R8995921

TC R8995921 takes all of the current user profile records in the F0092 table and inserts a user/role relationship record that is based on the F0092.USER and F0092.UGRP tables. The record that is added to the F95921 table contains the user, role (formerly the group for this user in the F0092 table), and effective and expiration dates. Some of these values are based upon the values in the processing options.

The recommended processing option values are:

  • Final/Proof Modes

    It is recommended that the TC be run in proof mode first. This mode inserts records to the F95921 table, but it does not remove the group from the user's profile. After the UBE is successfully run in proof mode, check some of the records in the F95921 table to see if they were added successfully. You can re-run the TC in final mode with the same processing options. A new record is not inserted for the user if the effective date is the same as the previously run TC's effective date, so you only remove the group data from the F0092.UGRP field for that user.

  • Effective Date

    The start date of the role relationship. With current users (those in F0092 table), you want to use the date that the TC is run. (When running in final mode, use the date that the TC was run in proof mode to prevent the system from adding a new set of records into the F95921 table.) This field must not be modified within the role relationship record later.

  • Expiration Date

    The end date of the role relationship. If this date is left blank, the relationship never expires. The role will expire at the beginning of the day of the date that you enter. With the current users (those in the F0092 table), you should leave this blank so they do not expire from their current group or role.

    This field can be modified within the role relationship record later.

  • Included In All

    This flag indicates that the security of this role is applied when the user chooses to enter EnterpriseOne under the role of *ALL. Use this flag if a user is being added to a sensitive role, such as Payroll or PVC. This field can be modified within the role relationship record later.

The performance of this TC directly depends upon how many user records are in the F0092 table. It should finish quickly.

This TC produces no report. To verify that the TC completed in proof mode, open the UTB and check the F95921 table for some of the users who were defined in the F0092 table. See that their old group (F0092.UGRP) is now their Role F95921.RLFRROLE. To verify that the TC has completed in final mode, view the F0092 table through the UTB, and verify that no data is in the UGRP fields.