Run the TC R89959211

Table Conversion (TC) R89959211 takes all of the current roles in the UGRP field in the Library Lists - User table (F0092) and adds a Description record for them in the Anonymous User Access Table (F00926). Both the role and description are populated with the role name (for example, OWTOOL). A sequence number is added to the record in the F00926 table as well. This sequence number begins at 1500 and increments by 5 with each record that is written.

This TC has no processing options.

The performance of this TC is directly dependent upon the number of *GROUP records in the F0092 table. It should finish quickly.

After processing, this TC produces no report. To verify that the table conversion completed, open the Universal Table Browser (UTB) and check the F00926 table for some of the roles that are defined in the F0092 table. For example, check the field USER for OWTOOL, the field ROLEDESC for OWTOOL, and the field SEQNO for a sequence number that is greater than 1500.