To run the Populate User Profiles (R0092) batch application:

In the Fast Path, enter BV to access the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form.

  1. Enter R0092 in the Batch Application field and click Find.

  2. Select the EnterpriseOne default version (XJDE0001) or the equivalent for the installation, and then click Select.

  3. On the Versions Prompting form, click Data Selection, and then click Submit.

  4. On the Data Selection form, create a logic statement that describes the set of users for which you want to create profiles.

    This form already has a search type of E (employees) populated, which assumes that the users are all employees. You might want to narrow this selection by submitting it for only a range of employees.

    After you complete the Data Selection form, the Processing Options form appears.

  5. On the Processing Options form, enter:

    • One of these values for option 1:

      Enter 1 to run this report in proof mode, which provides an example of what would happen if you were to run the report in final mode.

      Leave blank to run this report in final mode, which creates the user profiles that you specified and creates a report showing the profiles created.

    • One of these values for option 2 to define the user profile record being created for each user:

      Enter 1 to populate the User ID field with the users' address book numbers plus their initials. Typically, user profiles are created with the users' initials preceding their Address Book number.

      Leave this field blank to use just the address book number.

      Complete these user profile fields for option 2:

      Fast Path


      Date Format

      Data Separator Character

      Data Format Character


    • For option 3, enter any additional environments that you want the user to have access to instead of the environments already established for the user's role.