Reviewing Batch Output Files

All output from each report, regardless of whether it is a preview, is placed in the PrintQueue directory under the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation directory before it is printed. Depending on the JDE.INI settings of the workstation that submitted the job, the job might or might not be deleted after being printed. Unless the submitter identified a printer, jobs are printed to the default printer that you specified for the enterprise server.

Two settings, based upon the workstation's JDE.INI file, tell the server whether to print the report immediately upon completion and whether to save the output from the report or delete it. Here are examples of both of these workstation settings:


Setting SaveOutput to TRUE causes the enterprise server to hold the jobs output within the PrintQueue directory until the user explicitly deletes them. Setting PrintImmediate to TRUE tells the enterprise server to print the job immediately after completion of the report.

Users should be strongly encouraged to use the SaveOutput=FALSE entry in their JDE.INI file. When users decide to save their output, they should periodically delete the entries through JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. Deleting the output files from the operating system will not delete the corresponding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne print job entries (for example, entries might still exist in the database). These print job entries still have to be deleted manually.

To list all files in the PrintQueue directory, use Windows Explorer to change the working directory to the PrintQueue directory.

These file names are the actual reports that were generated when the job was executed. The file names follow these conventions:




Identifies the report name.


Identifies the report version.


Identifies the type of request.


Identifies the request number assigned by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.


Indicates a PostScript file.


Indicates a PDF (Portable Document Format) file. This file can be viewed on the workstation using Adobe Reader.