Running Reports from the Command Line for Windows

If you are a user with the proper authority and path (equal to that described in the installation instructions), you can run batch report processes from the server command line by first changing to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system directory (system\bin32) and then entering these commands:

runube  <[-p|-P] [-f|-F|-d|-D passfile] [user password]>

The format for the passfile parameter is:

Note: The [user password] parameter has been deprecated.

For the command parameters, only the first character of the parameter name is required. The vertical bar symbol (|) indicates that you must specify one of the parameters on either side of the vertical bar. The brackets indicate an optional parameter. These options apply to the runube command:




Prompts for user/password information.


Prompts for user/password information.


Reads user/password information from the plain text file that is specified in passfile (FilePath).


Reads user/password information from the plain text file that is specified in passfile (FilePath).


Reads user/password information from the plain text file and indicates the automatic removal of the file after the job has read the credentials from it.


Reads user/password information from the plain text file and indicates the automatic removal of the file after the job has read the credentials from it.


The system holds the current terminal session until the entire report is processed.


The runube command the job to a UBE kernel, which in turn will send the job submission to Queue kernel, and then returns control of the terminal to the user.


After the batch process completes generating its output, the output is printed to the specified printer queue. If you do not specify a printer on the runube command line, the system uses the EnterpriseOne user's default printer specified in the Printers program (P98616).


The batch output is not printed immediately after the job completes, but may be printed later from 'Work with Submitted jobs'


The system retains the report's output and all records of its execution.


The system removes any output from the PrintQueue directory, from Report definition output, and also removes the records of the jobs execution from F986110 after the report prints.


Optional. This is the printer name on which the given report is printed. If this option is not specified, the report will be printed on the enterprise server default printer.