Troubleshooting Finding the Log Files

If you cannot find the log files:

  • Log files are listed in the DebugFile and JobFile keys in the [DEBUG] section of the jde.ini.

    If there are no paths, the logs are in the system\bin32 directory. The log files are named according to this scheme:

    An underscore (_) and the process ID of the process that creates the log file are inserted before the period for example, jde_123.log or jdedebug_123.log for a process with an ID of 123.

    The log file associated with the DebugFile key contains the sequence of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne events. The default value for this key is jdedebug.log. The log file associated with the JobFile key contains error messages that occur in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. The default value for this key is jde.log.

  • When a batch application is run and the jde.ini on the workstation has [NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS] SaveOutput=TRUE, the jde_xxx.log and jdedebug_xxx.log files for the runbatch that processed the batch application is copied to a file in the PrintQueue directory.

    The root name of the files are the same as the name of the PDF file. The extension is .jde.log and .jdedebug.log. The duplication of these log files does not occur if the batch application runbatch.exe dies before duplication.

  • Verify that logging in the jde.ini is turned on using these settings in the [DEBUG] section:

    Variables and their descriptions:
    0 = Do not generate logs.
    1 = Create logs.
    NONE = Do not write messages to any output device.
    AUX = Write messages to a console window.
    FILE = Write messages to log files.
    BOTH = Write messages to log files and console window.

If not enough relevant information is written to the log files, this could be because additional logging information needs to be turned on in the jde.ini. Set these keys in the jde.ini for additional output to the log files:


These are the variables that you use to set logging options:

  • netTrace

  • 0 = Do not generate JDENet error messages (that is, communication between platforms).

  • 1 = Generate JDENet error message.

  • ipcTrace

  • 0 = Do not generate Inter-process Communication (IPC) error messages (that is, communication between processes on a single platform).

  • 1 = Generate IPC error messages.

  • TAMTraceLevel

  • 0 = Do not generate Table Access Management (TAM) error messages (that is, regarding specification files).

  • 1 = Generate TAM error messages.

  • UBEDebugLevel

  • 0 = Do not generate batch application error messages.

  • 1 = Generate increasingly detailed error messages (1 gives the least specific messages, whereas 6 gives the most detailed messages).

  • TraceLevel

  • 0 = Do not generate Table Conversion (TC) error messages.

  • 1-10 = Generate increasingly detailed error messages (1 gives the least detail, whereas 10 gives the most detail).