Troubleshooting JDBNET Server Not Found

Note: As of Release 9.2.3, JDBNET is no longer supported.

If you get an error that the data source on the JDBNET server is not found, the correct data source on the JDBNET server might not exist. Create a data source on the server that will be used by JDBNET. This is a normal configuration for a server data source that can be accessed by JDENet running on that server. Note the data source name (OMDATP) that will be used for the JDBNET client configuration.

If you get an error that the data source on the JDBNET client is not found, the correct data source on the JDBNET client might not exist. Create a JDBNET data source in the F98611 table using this information:

  • Data source name (OMDATP field).

    Used to access tables as specified in the F986101 table.

  • Server name (OMSRVR field).

    Identifies the JDBNET server.

  • Database name (OMDATB field).

    Matches exactly the data source name (that is, the OMDATP field) to be used by the JDBNET server.

  • Shared library name (OMDLLNAME field).

    Identifies the JDBNET client .DLL. ( on HP-UX, on AIX).

  • All other columns must match the values in the corresponding columns of the server data source.

Set this data source as an active override in the F986101 table for all tables that will be accessed through JDBNET.