Troubleshooting: Not Enough Relevant Information Is Written to the Log Files

Additional logging information may need to be turned on in the .INI. Set these keys in the .INI for additional information to be output to the log files:











Where variable names and descriptions are as follows:

netTrace values are:

0 = Do not generate JDENet error messages (that is, communication between platforms).

1 = Generate JDENet error messages.

ipcTrace values are:

0 = Do not generate Inter-process Communication (IPC) error messages (that is, communication between processes on a single platform).

1 = Generate IPC error messages.

TAMTraceLevel values are:

0 = Do not generate Table Access Management (TAM) error messages (that is, regarding specification files).

1 = Generate TAM error messages.

UBEDebugLevel values are:

0 = Do not generate batch application error messages.

1-6 = Generate increasingly detailed error messages (1 indicates the least specific message; 6 indicates the most detailed message).

TraceLevel values are:

0 = Do not generate Table Conversion (TC) error messages.

1-10 = Generate increasingly detailed error messages (1 indicates the least specific message; 10 indicates the most detailed message).

Note: Because NetTrace and ipcTrace messages are written to the debug log associated with that job, the [DEBUG] section of the jde.ini file requires the Output=FILE setting.