Troubleshooting: Testing with PORTTEST

In general, activate logging when running the PORTTEST program. Review the jde.log and jdedebug members generated by running the PORTTEST program. Also review the IBM i job log generated by running the PORTTEST program. These logs provide valuable information about the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne IBM i configuration and setup.



An error with OCM occurred.

Verify that the OCM is correct for the environment. Disable the security server in the JDE.ini file and make sure that porttest runs successfully. For this work, you must log on with a User ID that has administrative privileges.

An error with the security server occurred.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne network might not be running. Clear the Interprocess Communication (IPC) structures using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne IBM i CLRIPC command and restart JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. If you have different versions of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne running, make sure that they are on different ports and have different values for startIPCKeyValue. In the [JDEIPC] section of the JDE.INI file. Also, note that the different versions of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne should have different JD Edwards EnterpriseOne libraries, database files, and IFS directories

Successful running of CLRIPC should result in the appearance of no messages on the screen. If messages appear as a result of CLRIPC, one or more jobs (including an interactive job that ran the PORTTEST program) might have locked some of the IPC shared memory. Determine which job locked shared memory and end it. Try logging off of a session in which you ran the PORTTEST program and running CLRIPC. If all attempts fail, you may change the .INI setting [JDEIPC] startIPCKeyValue to at least 1000 more or less than the current setting. Log off and back on again to ensure the new value is read. Attempt CLRIPC again, and restart JD Edwards EnterpriseOne if CLRIPC is successful.

An error with the security server occurred.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne network might be running as a service under one library list and you are trying to run the PORTTEST program under another library list. Display all the libraries in the current library list and correct the list if the displayed library list is wrong. Then run the PORTTEST program.

If the library list is correct, the problem could be because the activation group under which the job is running on the IBM i may retain some of the information from previous attempts. Log off, log on, and run the PORTTEST program again.

An error with the security server occurred.

The supplied user name or password might not match any names or passwords in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne security table. Try one of these:

  • Run the PORTTEST program with a valid user name and password.

  • Add the given user name and password to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne security table.

You get these message on the screen:

Invalid parms PORTTEST <USER> <PWD> <ENV>

You might not have included the correct number of arguments in the PORTTEST program. Use these arguments:

User - A valid JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user ID.

Password - Password for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user ID.

Environment - A valid JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment.

Fewer than 99 F0902 records are written to the screen by PORTTEST.

A possible PORTTEST program failure. Examine the log files.

  • Fewer than 99 records might exist in the F0902 table. This is not an error, but you should review the log files for any errors.

  • The F0902 database table might not be accessible. Verify that you can query the F0902 table using SQL. Use the STRSQL command on the IBM i.

An error initializing the environment occurs in the log file.

The environment might not be set up correctly. Any errors in the affected .INI keys or database tables could cause the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne initialization to fail. The environment that the PORTTEST program uses is passed as a command line argument.