Work Order Reports

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CAM provides you with a variety of reports to help you review and manage information about work orders. Work order reports can provide:

  • Standard work order information, such as work order status and work order costs.

    You can print standard work order reports to track the progress of work orders by status for a particular date. You can also review the costs that are associated with selected work orders. In addition, you can print detailed reports about supplemental data for the work orders.

  • Work order information for specific pieces of equipment, such as work orders associated with a particular equipment malfunction or total work orders completed for a piece of equipment.

  • Budget information, such as a comparison of estimated and actual work order costs.

  • Parts information, such as parts requirements and parts availability for outstanding work orders.

This table lists work order reports sorted alphanumerically by report ID:

Report ID and Report Name




Equipment Parts List

This report lists parts information that is associated with individual pieces of equipment. The report lists both the location and availability of parts.

System Administration Tools (GH9011), Batch Versions

You can only access this report by using this procedure:

Type R13410 in the Batch Application field on the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form and then click Find. A list of available versions appears in the detail area. Select the version that you want to run and click Select.


Work Order Parts List

This report lists parts information that is associated with work orders.

Work Order (G1316), Print Work Order Parts List


Budget to Actual Report

This report lists work order information for specific pieces of equipment.

Cost Inquiries and Reports (G1312), Budget to Actual Report


Equipment History Report

This report lists this information for equipment and equipment components:

  • Work orders that are associated with each piece of equipment.

  • Problems and possible causes.

  • Actions that were taken to solve the problems.

Cost Inquiries and Reports (G1312), Equipment History Report


Work Order Completion Report

This report lists work orders by individual pieces of equipment.

Cost Inquiries and Reports (G1312), Work Order Completion Report


Labor Utilization

This report lists work orders that were created for a piece of equipment and the hours that are associated with each labor routing step, such as Electrical, Mechanical, and so on. The report also displays the total hours that are associated with each work order.

Cost Inquiries and Reports (G1312), Print Labor Utilization


Parts Forecast Report

This report lists parts and work orders by branch.

Cost Inquiries and Reports (G1312), Print Parts Forecast