Entering and Updating Detail information for Rental Contracts

Access the Rental Contract Detail Revisions form. When you enter a contract, you access the detail form after you double-click the OK button on the header form.

Contract Line Status

The system populates this field with the value from the Rental Contract Line Status UDC table (54R/LS) that indicates the status of the rental contract line. You cannot edit this field. Values are:

100: Open

The system assigns this status to the rental contract line when you add a contract line in the grid, and when the Transfer field for that line does not have a value of R. The system retains this status till you save the rental contract in the Rental Contract Detail form.

200: Outbound

The system assigns this status to the rental contract when you create related orders for the rental contract.

300: Billing

The system assigns this status to the rental contract line after you successfully run the periodic billing of the Rental Contract Billing Workfile Generation program (R54R300) for recurring contract billing.

400: Returned Material Authorization

The system assigns this status to the rental contract line when you generate a return inbound purchase order. You can set the system to determine the date for creating the purchase order using the RMA Generation days constant, and the Use RMA Default Days option in the Action Details form. The Rental Contract Related Order Generation program (R54R100) uses this system-calculated date and generates the return inbound purchase order when the rental period expires. You identify a related order as a return inbound purchase order if the program to process the action is P4310, and if the Use RMA Default Days option (in the Action Details table) is selected.

700: Transferred Order

The system assigns this status to the rental contract line after you perform an item transfer, and the Transfer Order Exists field for that line has the value Transfer.

800: Canceled

The system assigns this status after you select the Cancel Line from the Row menu in the Rental Contract Revisions form.

If the detail line that you want to cancel has related orders, the system first cancels the related orders, and then cancels the contract. You can cancel the detail line only if the system does not find any error in the cancellation of the related orders.

900: Closed

The system assigns this status after you close the contract. To close the contract detail line, you go to the Close Line on the Row menu of the Rental Contract Detail Revisions form.

Inventory Commitment

The system populates this field with the value from the Inventory Commitment UDC table (54R/IC) that indicates the type of commitment of the rental contract line. You cannot edit this field. Values are:

Blank: No commitments exist.

This field is blank before you click the OK button on the Rental Contract Detail Revisions form.

100: Inventory commitments exist.

The value in this field changes to 100 when you save the rental contract detail line. Item from the inventory has been committed to the contract, but no related sales orders have been created.

200: Related sales order has been generated.

The Inventory Commitment value changes to 200 after sales orders are generated.

300: Transfers exist.

The value in this field changes to 300 when you create a transfer order to move the inventory item from another business unit within the company.

Item Number

Enter the item number of the item that you are renting out. The item number must exist in the Item Master table (F4101). For a rental contract with billing method 1 (recurring contract billing), the item must also exist in the Rental Item table (F54R41T).

You can search for and select the item using the Visual Assist icon. The system launches the Item Search and Select form, which includes columns from the F4101 table and the F54R41T table. When you enter a valid item number in this field, the system automatically populates the Serial Number, Rental Billing Unit Of Measure, and Location fields from the F54R41T table.

Serial Number

Enter the serial number manually, or you can use the Visual Assist icon to search for a serial number from the Lot Search and Select program (P54R04), and return it to the Serial Number field.

Note: The system enables the Serial Number field only if you set the value in the Lot Process Type field to 5 (assign serial number using the system date in YYMMDD format), 6 (assign serial number using next numbers), or 7 (assign serial number manually) in the Item/Branch Plant Info program (P41026). You are recommended to set up the Lot Process Type field to 7 for rental contracts.

For serialized item, the system populates this field with the location of the item from the Rental Item table (F54R41T). You can override the default value.


Enter the quantity of an item (or item group) sold or rented to a customer (or customer group). The quantity rented or sold must be less than or equal to the quantity available in the Item Availability table (F41021).

The system populates this field with a value of 1 for a serialized item. For rental contracts with billing method 2 (one-off rental contract billing) and 3 (one-off sales order billing), the system bills for the quantity in this field.

Quantity Open

For rental contracts with billing method 1 (recurring contract billing), the system populates this field with the quantity of the item that is still rented to the customer (or customer group). When you create the contract, this field has the same value as the original quantity in the Quantity field. The value in this field reduces based on the quantity of items that the customer returns back. When all items are returned, quantity open is reduced to zero.

For rental contracts with billing method 1, the system bills only for the quantity in this field.

Quantity Received

The system populates this field with the quantity of the item that the customer (or customer group) returns. When you create the contract and rent out items, this field has 0 (zero) value. The value in this field increases based on the quantity of items returned from the customer. When you receive all the items that were rented, the quantity received equals the original quantity in the Quantity field.

Quantity Stocked

The system populates this field with the quantity of the item that is moved to your inventory after the customer (or customer group) returns the quantity. When items are returned, they follow the receipt routing process before they are moved to the inventory. During this process, you inspect items and move them to the stock if they are in good condition, or you remove them from the route to be reworked, scrapped, or rejected. In the Routing Disposition form of the Receipt Routing Movement and Disposition program (P43250), the quantity of items that you entered to move to the last stage in the inventory (for example, stock) is the quantity that the system populates in this field.

Quantity Reworked

The system populates this field with the quantity of the item that is serviced after the customer (or customer group) returns the quantity. When items are returned, they follow the receipt routing process before they can be moved to the inventory. During this process, you inspect items and move them to the stock if they are in good condition, or you remove them from the route to be reworked, scrapped, or rejected. In the Routing Disposition form of the Receipt Routing Movement and Disposition program (P43250), the quantity of items that you entered to be reworked is the quantity that the system populates in this field.

Quantity Rejected

The system populates this field with the quantity of the item that is rejected after the customer (or customer group) returns the quantity. When items are returned, they follow the receipt routing process before they can be moved to the inventory. During this process, you inspect items and move them to the stock if they are in good condition, or you remove them from the route to be reworked, scrapped, or rejected. In the Routing Disposition form of the Receipt Routing Movement and Disposition program (P43250), the quantity of items that you entered to be rejected is the quantity that the system populates in this field.

Quantity Scrapped

The system populates this field with the quantity of the item that is scrapped after the customer (or customer group) returns the quantity. When items are returned, they follow the receipt routing process before they can be moved to the inventory. During this process, you inspect items and move them to the stock if they are in good condition, or you remove them from the route to be reworked, scrapped, or rejected. In the Routing Disposition form of the Receipt Routing Movement and Disposition program (P43250), the quantity of items that you entered to be scrapped is the quantity that the system populates in this field.

Note: The Quantity Open, Quantity Received, Quantity Stocked, Quantity Reworked, Quantity Rejected, and Quantity Scrapped fields are used only when the billing method is 1 (recurring contract billing).
Domestic Unit Price

The system populates this field with the value in the Unit Price field for the item in the Item Base Price File table (F4106). This is the base price that the system charges for one unit of this item. You can override the value in this field.

Price Override Code

The system populates this field with a value of 1 if the unit price is overridden in the Domestic Unit Price or Foreign Unit Price field. This field is blank if you use the default domestic unit price or the default foreign unit price.

Rental Billing Unit of Measure

Enter a value from the Rental Billing Unit of Measure UDC table (54R/UM) that the system uses to calculate the rental amount. This is required when the detail line has a value of 1 (recurring billing) in the Billing Method field. This field is not enabled when the billing method is 2 (one-off contract billing) or 3 (one-off sales order billing). Values are:

DY: Per day

WK: Per week

MO: Per month

Pricing Unit of Measure

The system populates this field with the pricing unit of measure for the item from the Item Master table (F4101). This value exists in the Pricing Unit of Measure UDC table (00/UM). The system uses this value to calculate the price for items with billing method 2 (one-off contract billing) and 3 (one-off sales order billing).

Line Type

The system populates this field with the line type from the Item Master table (F4101) for each line item. You can enter a new line type to override the line type retrieved from the F4101 table. The system displays the actions associated with the line type that you enter in this field.

Billing Method

The system populates this field with the value in the Billing Method field for the line type from the Line Type and Action Association Header table (F54R03). This indicates the billing method the system uses. You can override the value in this field. Values are:

1: Recurring Contract Billing

2: One-off Contract Billing

3: One-off Sales Order Billing

Asset Number

The system populates the corresponding asset number for the item from the Asset Master File table (F1201). In the Rental Management process, you typically use the asset number when you generate a work order for the asset. You can override the value in this field.

Tax Rate/Area

The system populates this field with the tax rate/area code from the Rental Contract Header form. You can override the default value.

Tax Explanation

The system populates this field with the tax explanation value from the Rental Contract Header form. You can override the default value.

Transfer Status

The system populates this field with the transfer status of the rental item from the 54R/TS UDC table. Values are:

01: Transferred

02: Reserved

03: Error

Note: The system populates the following fields with the values from the associated fields in the Item Master table (F4101): Unit of Measure, Pricing Unit of Measure, Line Type, Description Line 2, 2nd Item Number, Short Item Number, Reference 1, and Reference 2. The system populates the following fields with the values from the associated fields in the Item Branch File table (F4102): Taxable, Commodity Class, Commodity Sub Class, Rebate Code, Master Planning Family, Cost Rule, and Sales Code 1 to Sales Code 5 See "Setting Up Item information" and "Entering Branch/Plant information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide
Note: The system populates the following fields with the values from the Rental Contract Header Revisions form: Transaction Currency, Base Currency, Billing End Date, Projected End Date, Reservation Date, Reservation Cancel Date, Apply Freight, Carrier Number, Delivery Instructions 1 and 2, Freight Handling, Route Code, Mode of Transport, Stop Code, Zone Number, Payment Terms, Payment Instrument, Invoice Reference 1 and 2, Tax Explanation, Tax Rate/Area, Certificate, Hold Code, Contract Message, and Delivered To.The system populates the Start Date, Billing Start Date, Requested Delivery Date, and Install Date fields in the detail grid with the corresponding dates from the Rental Contract Header form, or with the system date, whichever is greater. The system populates the Actual End Date field with the date that you cancel or close the contract line (through the Close Line or Cancel Line from the Row menu on the Rental Contract Detail Revisions form). See Entering and Updating Header information for Rental Contracts