
Access the Invoice/Exchange tab in the Rental Contract Header Revisions form.

Invoiced To

The system populates this field with the value in the Customer field. You can override the default value. You must complete this field with a valid address book number.

Related Contract

Enter a number that identifies a rental contract that is associated with the original order. This number is for informational purpose, and is not the related order that you will generate for the rental contract.

Related Order Type

Enter a code from the Document Type UDC table (00/DT) that indicates the document type of the secondary or related order. For example, a purchase order might be document type OP, and might have been created to fill a related work order with document type WO. This is not the order type for the related order that you generate for the rental contract.

Related Order Company

Enter the company that is associated with the document number of the secondary or related order. This is not the company associated with the related order that you generate for the rental contract.

Invoice Reference 1

Enter an alphanumeric value to use as a cross-reference or secondary reference number. Typically, this is the customer number, supplier number, or job number.

Invoice Reference 2

Enter text or a number to record reference numbers, such as the supplier's bid document number, quote document, sales order, work order, or job number.

Base Currency

Enter the code that identifies the domestic currency of a transaction or company. The base currency and domestic currency both refer to the same currency.

Transaction Currency

Enter a code that identifies the currency of a transaction. The contract is foreign when the transaction currency code is different from the base currency code.

Billing Currency

Enter the currency that the system uses to bill the rental contract. The contract is foreign when the billing currency code is different from the base currency code.

Exchange Rate Date

Enter the date that the system uses to retrieve the exchange rate. By default, the system populates a date based on the Exchange Rate Date processing option. If the processing option is left blank, or if the system does not find the data for the option specified in the processing option, the system date is populated in this field.

Transaction Exchange Rate

The system populates this field with the number (exchange rate) retrieved from the Currency Exchange Rates program (P0015A) based on the base currency, transaction currency, and the exchange rate date. This number can have a maximum of seven decimal positions.

This is the exchange rate that the system uses to convert amounts from the base currency to the transaction currency. The system populates the converted rental contract amounts (in transaction currency) in the Foreign Unit Price, Foreign Unit Cost, and Foreign List Price fields in the Rental Contract Detail table (F54R11). These amounts in the F54R11 table do not change even when you use a variable exchange rate.

Billing Exchange Rate

The system populates this field with the number (exchange rate) retrieved from the Currency Exchange Rates program (P0015A) based on the transaction currency, billing currency, and the exchange rate date. This number can have a maximum of seven decimal positions.

When you run the Rental Billing Workfile Generation program (R54R300) to bill the rental contract, the system uses the exchange rate in this field to convert the rental contract amount (the Foreign Unit Price value in the F54R11 table) from the transaction currency to the billing currency.

Fixed Exchange Rate

Select this option to always use a fixed exchange rate when you bill the rental contract. This option is disabled if the contract is domestic. If you do not select this option, the system uses a variable exchange rate. Values are:

0: Use a variable exchange rate.

If you choose this option, the system does not use the exchange rate date, the transaction exchange rate, and the billing exchange rate. Instead, the system uses the Exchange Rate Date Basis processing option for the R54R300 program to determine the exchange rate date, and retrieves the transaction exchange rate and billing exchange rate based on this date.

1: Use a fixed exchange rate. If you choose this option, the system uses the exchange rate date, the transaction exchange rate, and the billing exchange rate.

Note: The sales, service, and purchase order applications use the exchange rate between the base currency and the billing currency to bill and invoice rental contract related orders. This exchange rate is not displayed in the rental contract forms.
Note: The system populates the rest of the fields in the Invoice/Exchange tab with the values from the corresponding fields in the Customer Master By Line Business table (F03012) for the customer you enter in the Customer field. You can override the values in these fields.See "Creating Customer Master Records" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Accounts Receivable Implementation Guide