Setting Up Action Details

Access the Action Details form.

Use RMA Default Days

Select this option if you want the system to add the number of days in the RMA Generation Days field in the Rental Constants form to the system date to determine the RMA date.

To process an inbound return purchase order, the Select On Date for the rental contract detail record must be less than or equal to this RMA date. The Select On Date is retrieved from the Action Details table (F54R021).

Line Status

Enter a value from the 54R/LS UDC table that indicates the status of the rental contract line. Values are:

100: Open

200: Outbound

300: Billing

400: RMA

700: Transferred Order

800: Canceled

900: Closed

Date Fields

The Action Details form also includes date fields for related orders (Sales Order, Purchase Order, or Work Order): Select On Date, Sales Order Requested Date, Sales Order Promised Date, Sales Order Canceled Date, Sales Order Promised Delivery Date, Sales Order Promised Ship Date, Sales Order Internal Tax Date, Purchase Order Requested Date, Purchase Order Promised Date, Work Order Planned Start Date, and Work Order Requested Date.

The system provides a 54R/DU UDC table that associates the date fields in the Contract Header Revisions form to the date fields in the related order that will be generated once the contract is entered successfully. You decide which dates in the Contract Header Revisions form to use in the related order by specifying a value from the 54R/DU UDC table in each of the date fields in the Action Details form.