Expense Participation

1. Expense Participation Calculations

Specify whether the system calculates expense participation. Values are:

Blank: Do not calculate.

1: Calculate. If you specify to calculate expense participation, the system runs the AREF E.P. Budget Calculations report (R15L1096).

2. Occupancy Refresh

Specify whether the system runs the AREF Occupancy Refresh program (R15L1092) prior to calculating budgets for expense participation.

You use this processing option in conjunction with the Expense Participation Calculations processing option. If you leave the Expense Participation Calculations processing option blank, the system ignores this processing option. Values are:

Blank: Do not run the R15L1092 program.

1: Run the R15L1092 program prior to calculating the budgets for expense participation.

3. Account Range Inclusion

Specify which accounts to include in the expense class. Values are:

Blank: Combine object and subsidiary accounts. This includes all accounts that are greater than or equal to the From object account and subsidiary, and less than or equal to the To account and subsidiary.

For example, if the From values equal 5000.010, and the To values equal 59999.020, all accounts between these values are included (account 5555.040 is included).

1: Use separate comparison for object and subsidiary accounts. This includes all accounts with object accounts between the From and To object accounts as well as subsidiary accounts between the From and To subsidiary accounts.

For example, if the From values equal 5000.010, and the To values equal 59999.020, all accounts with objects between 5000 and 59999 as well as subsidiary accounts between 010 and 020 are included (account 5555.040 is not included).

4. Straight-Line AREF E.P. Calculations

Specify whether to use straight-line expense participation calculations for AREF leases. Values are:

Blank: Do not use straight-line expense participation calculations.

1: Use straight-line expense participation calculations.

Note: E.P. (expense participation) calculations are always straight-lined for REM leases.
5. Prorate Partial Months

Specify whether to prorate expense participation calculations when a REM or AREF lease ends mid-month. Values are:

Blank: Do not prorate partial months. The system does not prorate either REM nor AREF leases.

1: Prorate partial months. The system prorates both REM and AREF leases.

6. Management Fee in Exposure

Specify whether to include the management fee in the exposure amount. Values are:

Blank: Do not include the management fee.

1: Include the management fee. If you include the management fee in the exposure, you must rerun the AREF E.P. Budget Calculation program (R15L1096), which recalculates the tenant share on the class exposure including the management fee.

After so doing, the R15L1091 program recalculates the management fee against this new tenant share amount.

7. Accrual Account Method

Specify how the system distributes the expense participation accrual amount. The accrual amount is the amount of adjustment between the current estimated billings and the projected recovery amount. Values are:

Blank: Combine the expense participation accrual amount with the estimated bill code. If you select this option, the accrual amount is added to the estimated bill code account.

1: Use the automatic accounting instruction (AAI) for the E.P. actual bill code. If you select this option, the accrual amount is added separately to the account defined by the PM or RM AAI for the actual bill code on the E.P. definition.

2: Use the AAI for the accrual bill code. If you select this option, the accrual amount is added separately to the account defined by the PE or RE AAI for the actual bill code on the E.P. definition.

8. Budget Lock Period From

Specify the beginning period of the range of periods for which the system retrieves actual amounts during the budget calculation. Actual amounts are amounts from periods that have been locked in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system and loaded to the AREF Account Status table (F15L110).

9. Budget Lock Period To

Specify the ending period of the range of periods for which the system retrieves actual amounts during the budget calculation. Actual amounts are amounts from periods that have been locked in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system and loaded to the F15L110 table.

10. Expense Participation Calculation

Specify whether the system uses AREF expense participation rules when E.P. is not set up for the current REM lease. Values are:

Blank: Use AREF rules.

1: Use E.P. information.

Note: If you do not set up expense participation, the system does not use this processing option.
11. Use Occupancy Data From

Specify whether the system uses occupancy data from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management system or the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Real Estate Forecasting system. Values are:

Blank: Use occupancy data from REM. The system uses values from the F15141 table for the share factor denominator when a REM lease is attached to a unit. If you use computation method B or P, the system uses the F1521 table.

1: Use occupancy data from AREF. The system uses values from the F15L141 table for the Share Factor Denominator when a REM lease is attached to a unit. If you use computation method B or P, the system uses the F15L101 table.

12. Default Area Option

Specify whether the system uses the square footage (either rentable or usable) for the building (computation method B) or the property (computation method P) from the AREF Unit Master if no log records are found for the specified EP code. Values are:

Blank: Use the square footage for the building or the property from the AREF Unit Master if no log records are found for the EP code.

1: Do not use the square footage from the AREF Unit Master if no log records are found for the EP code.

13. AREF E.P. Rules Default Area Calculation Method

Specify a calculation method from UDC table 15/OM that the system uses to retrieve occupancy information from the AREF Gross Lease Occupied Area table (F15L141). The system uses this information when processing AREF E.P. Rules. Values are:

1: Area as of the first day of the month. (default)

2: Area as of the last day of the month.

3: Area as of the 15th day of the month.

4: Average area for the month.

14. Generation Type for REM Cap History

Specify a generation type from UDC table 15/GT that the system uses to retrieve cap history from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management system. The system retrieves cap history for leased units when REM E.P. billing rules with caps are processed. The system does not process caps for AREF E.P. billing rules. Values are:

2: Year-end adjustment.

6: Estimated E.P. (default)

15. E.P. Calculation Generation (R15110) Version

Specify the version of the Expense Participation Calculation Generation (R15110) the system should use for calculations that include REM E.P. billing rules.

If you leave this processing option blank and you set the Expense Participation Calculations processing option to run expense participation, the system uses the XJDE0001 version. The system generates a warning at the end of the budget calculation process to indicate the system used the default version.

16. Lease Cap Processing Exclusion Option

The system processes Expense Participation caps at two levels; the level of the E.P. class and the level of the lease.

Account overrides on the E.P. class allow users to specify whether certain accounts are Subject to Cap or Not Subject to Cap. These overrides are considered during E.P. class-level cap processing. By default, these specifications do not carry over to the lease for lease-level cap processing. By default, whether an account is Subject to Cap or Not Subject to Cap for lease-level cap processing is not specified on the E.P. class but is specified on the lease itself.

Use this processing option to specify whether the system carries over the Subject to Cap setting for an account from the E.P. class and uses the same Subject to Cap setting for lease-level cap processing as well. The system does not use the lease-level Subject to Cap setting, but only the E.P. class-level Subject to Cap setting.

Values are:

Blank: The system does not use the E.P. class-level Subject to Cap setting on an account for lease-level cap processing. The system uses the Subject to Cap setting on the lease.

1: The system uses the E.P. class-level Subject to Cap setting on an account for lease-level cap processing. The system does not use the Subject to Cap setting on the lease.

17. Occupancy Audit Option

Specify whether the system updates Share Factor Denominator adjustments in the AREF Share Factor Denominator Audit table (F15L401), Tenant Exclusion Rule adjustments in the AREF Tenant Exclusion Rule Audit table (F15L402), and Gross Up Occupancy adjustments in the AREF Gross Up Processing Audit table (F15L403).

If you specify that the system should generate an occupancy audit trail by populating these audit tables, you can review the audit trail in the audit programs. Access the audit programs from the Form menu in the AREF Edit Budget Results program (P15L109) or on the AREF Budget Processing menu (G15L21).

Values are:

Blank: Do not generate an occupancy audit trail.

1: Generate an occupancy audit trail.

18. AREF Occupancy Option

Specify whether the system calculates the AREF occupied space based on the AREF Unit Master table (F15L101) and the Area Master table (F1514) or the AREF Gross Lease Occupied Area table (F15L141). The system uses AREF occupancy data when you run the AREF Budget Calculation program with the Use Occupancy Data From processing option set to 1 (Use AREF occupancy data).

If you leave this processing option blank and you use computation method X, Y, N, O, U, or V when you run the AREF Budget Calculation program, the system calculates the AREF occupied space for units based on the unit area in the F15L101 table. The system also adds any adjustments for the Area Definition ID that is associated with the version of the E.P. Calculation Generation program (R15110) that is specified in the E.P. Calculation Generation (R15110) Version processing option. The system retrieves these adjustments from the F1514 table.

If you enter 1 in this processing option and you use computation method X, Y, N, O, U, or V when you run the AREF Budget Calculation program, the system calculates the AREF occupied space based on the Gross Lease Occupied Area and Days Occupied fields in the F15L141 table. If you set this processing option to 1, you must enter a value in the AREF E.P. Rules Default Area Calculation Method processing option to specify the Area Calculation Method the system uses to retrieve values from the F15L141 table. You must also enter a value in the AREF Occupancy Area Definition ID processing option to specify the Area Definition ID that the system uses to retrieve values from the F15L141 table.

Values are:

Blank: Calculate AREF occupied space based on the F15L101 and the F1514.

1: Calculate AREF occupied space based on the F15L141.

19. AREF Occupancy Area Definition ID

Specify an area definition ID from the Area Definitions program (P15142) that the system uses to retrieve records from the AREF Gross Lease Occupied Area table (F15L141). The system uses this area definition ID to determine the AREF occupied space when processing E.P. computation methods X, Y, N, O, U, and V.

Use this processing option in conjunction with the AREF Occupancy Option processing option. If you enter 1 in the AREF Occupancy Option processing option to indicate that the AREF occupied space is based on the F15L141 table, you must enter a value in this processing option in order to run the AREF Budget Calculation program.