Straight-line Rent

1. Straight-line Rent Calculations

Specify whether the system performs straight-line rent calculations for AREF leases. Values are:

Blank: Do not perform straight-line rent calculations.

1: Perform straight-line rent calculations.

2. Print Straight-line Rent Details

Specify whether the system prints the results of the straight-line rent calculations for AREF leases. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print. If you select this option, the system runs the AREF Straight-line Rent Details program (R15L130). You must also select 1 in the Straight-line Rent Calculations field to run the R15L130 program.

3. Bill Codes to Retrieve Rent Amounts

Specify the bill codes that the system uses to retrieve the estimated rent amounts from AREF when the system calculates straight-line rent information. You can specify as many as 10 bill codes in the Bill Code 01 through Bill Code 10 fields.

4. Bill Code to Post Accruals

Specify an accrual bill code that determines the account in the AREF Budget Results table (F15L109) to which the system writes calculated straight-line rent accrual amounts. You must enter an accrual bill code to perform straight-line rent calculations.

5. Bill Code to Post Deferrals

Specify a deferral bill code that determines the account in the AREF Budget Results table (F15L109) to which the system writes calculated straight-line rent deferral amounts. You must enter a deferral bill code to perform straight-line rent calculations.

6. Bill Code Selection (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to specify whether the system uses the bill codes that are defined in the processing options, or the straight-line rent designation that is defined on individual bill codes in the AREF Recurring Bill Code Rules program (P15L106). Values are:

Blank: From processing options.

1: From AREF Recurring Bill Code Rules.