Locking Calculated Budget Records

Access the Calculated Budget Results form.

You cannot revise any of the information on the Calculated Budget Results form; however, depending on the security settings, you can lock records from future updates or revisions. The system disables and enables the following selections in the selection from the Row menu, depending on the action assigned to the user in the AREF Permission Lists program (P15L200):

  • If the allowed action is 1, both the Lock All Years and Unlock All Years selections are enabled.

  • If the allowed action is 2, the Lock All Years selection is enabled and the Unlock All Years selection is disabled.

  • If the allowed action is 3, the Lock All Years selection is disabled and the Unlock All Years selection is enabled.

If you are not set up in the P15L200 program, the Lock All Years and Unlock All Years row selections are disabled.

You can also delete the records for which no budget amounts were forecast.