Property and Building Information

The system prints the same type of information for the business units that are set up as a property and building on a separate page:

  • Property and building header information.

    The system prints information to identify the property or building, such as the business unit number, name, and area values (rentable and sales usable). The system also indicates which area value was used for the calculations.

    The system determines the value of each building by adding the area values of the units in the building. The system determines the value of each property by adding the area values of the buildings.

  • Account status information.

    The system prints the account status records that were generated for the property and the business unit for each year the budget is forecast. The report includes the budget pattern code used to allocate amounts to specific periods, an asterisk to indicate a locked period, the period amounts for the year forecast, the total amount, and the growth pattern code that was applied.

    The report also includes the growth pattern information, including the growth pattern type (FX, PC, or SF) and the corresponding compounded growth amount (or percentage or amount per square foot).

  • Management fee information.

    The system prints the source information for calculating management fees, if specified, or prints the message No Management Fees to Process.

    If you set up management fee information, the report indicates which system the information was retrieved from. If the system retrieves the rules from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management, the report displays REM rules and the relevant information, such as the bill codes, accounts, effective dates, fee rate and basis, and minimum and maximum amounts. If the system retrieves the rules from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Real Estate Forecasting, the report displays AREF rules and the information in the building constant record.

    Note: The management fee type must be business-unit based (as opposed to lease based) or the system does not retrieve any management fee information from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management.

    If you set the processing option to retrieve the calculations from the F15L109 table, the report includes the period amounts of the fee. Otherwise, the system prints only the setup information.

  • Gross lease occupied information.

    You can use the processing options to specify whether to print AREF gross lease occupied information. You can select to summarize and prints results by either property, building, or unit. The report also displays area values by period for gross lease occupied area (GLOA) and gross leaseable area (GLA), the occupancy percentage for each period, and the corresponding annual average for each year of the forecast.