Understanding Assumption Rules

Assign assumption, expense participation, sales overage, and recurring bill code rules only to units that might require a different rule from the default rules that are set up in the building constants. You can assign rules to each unit individually using the AREF Unit Maintenance program (P15L101), or you can globally assign rules to multiple units, using the AREF Unit Assumption Assignment program (P15L1011).

When you assign multiple assumptions, expense participation, sales overage, and recurring bill code rule, the system uses the term of the first assumption rule from the assumption header as the term for the corresponding rules. For example:

  • When Assumption Rule 01 is effective, the corresponding 01 rules for expense participation, sales overage, and recurring bill codes are also effective.

  • When Assumption Rule 02 is effective, the corresponding 02 rules for expense participation, sales overage, and recurring bill codes are also effective.

  • When Assumption Rule 03 is effective, the corresponding 03 rules for expense participation, sales overage, and recurring bill codes are also effective.

If you do not have the same number of corresponding expense participation, sales overage, or recurring bill code rules assigned as you have assumption rules, the system uses the term from the last assumption rule specified.