Understanding the AREF Account Status Program

To retrieve account status information, you define the parameters, such as the range of accounts, revision number, ledger type, fiscal year, and range of periods and the system retrieves amounts from either the Account Balances table (F0902) or the AREF Budget Results table (F15L109). You can retrieve account balances for up to 12 consecutive periods using two fiscal years and two ledger types. For example, you could specify to retrieve balances from periods 01 through 06 for fiscal year 02 and ledger type AA and periods 07 through 12 for fiscal year 03 and ledger type BA. Similarly, you can retrieve budget results for a given budget revision for up to 12 consecutive periods using two fiscal years. If necessary, the system enables you to retrieve from both tables at the same time. For example, you could specify to retrieve account balances from periods 01 through 06 for fiscal year 02 and ledger type AA, and budget results for periods 07 through 12 for fiscal year 02.

The system enables and disables the following exits and issue errors, depending on the action assigned to the user in the AREF Permission Lists program (P15L200):

  • If the allowed action is 1 or 2, then Lock All in the Form menu and Lock Account in the Row menu are enabled.

  • If the allowed action is 3 or the user is not added to the permissions list, then Lock All in the Form exit and Lock Account in the Row exit are disabled.

  • In addition, if the user manually changes the value in the Lock Flag field in the grid, the following occurs:

    • If the user enters Y, the system issues an error if the allowed action value from above is a 3.

    • If the user enters N, the system issues an error if the allowed action value from above is 2.

    • If the user enters Y or N, the system issues an error if user is not added to the permissions list.

Note: If you are not using AREF security, the preceding information does not apply.
Note: The system does not apply the growth patterns entered in the corresponding processing options to accounts assigned with a posting edit code that is set up in user-defined code (UDC) table 15L/PC.

The system stores accounts status information in the AREF Account Status (F15L110) and AREF Account Status Detail (F15L111) tables.