Understanding the AREF Global Account Status Retrieval Program

As an alternative to retrieving accounts manually, you can run the AREF Global Account Status Retrieval program (R15L1099). When you run the R15L1099 program, the system uses processing options and data selection to determine which accounts to retrieve and automatically update to the F15L110 table. The processing options for R15L1099 are similar to the filter fields that are available for P15L110.

You can run the program in proof or final mode. In proof mode, the system prints a report of the records retrieved and the growth pattern assigned so that you can verify the information before you update the F15L110 table. The system also prints the accounts that were not retrieved and provides an explanation.

If account status records already exist for the building and revision number that you specify, the system overwrites them with the information retrieved unless the accounts are locked. If the account is assigned a posting edit code that exists in UDC table 15L/PC, the system locks the record when it is updated to the F15L110 table and does not apply the default growth pattern from the processing options.

The system stores accounts status information in the AREF Account Status (F15L110) and AREF Account Status Detail (F15L111) tables.