2 - Sales Reporting

Report Frequency Code

Enter a code from UDC 15/BC that specifies the frequency with which a tenant's sales reports are due. You can establish codes for all possible combinations of reporting frequencies, including 12-period and 13-period accounting years.

Report Due Days

Enter the number of days after the end of a reporting period in which the tenant's sales reports must be submitted. This field is informational and is also used to generate the Delinquent Sales Report Notice and Delinquent Sales Report Letter FASTR reports.

Annual Report Due Days

Enter the number of days after the end of the tenant's fiscal year in which the tenant's annual (year total) sales report must be submitted. This field is informational.

Review Sales from Month/Year

Enter the first period or month to be included in the processing of sales for a series of periods or months.

Report Year End (Mo) (report year end month)

Enter the period in which the tenant's fiscal year ends. For example, if the tenant's fiscal year ends on December 31st, enter 12 in this field.

Year End Override Year

Enter the applicable year and century.

Audit Date

Enter the audit date. The purpose of this field is to record a date for the finalization of sales overage recording and calculation for a tenant for a given year.