3 - Billing Functions

Billing Frequency

Enter a code that indicates the billing cycle.

Computation Method

Enter a code from UDC 15/CO that specifies the method that the system uses to calculate percentage rent by comparing breakpoints and percentages to tenant sales. Values are:

0: Weekly sales. The system uses the sales amount for the week to directly calculate the gross overage billing. The system calculates sales for each period, does not annualize the amounts, and expresses the breakpoints as period amounts.

1: Each period. The system annualizes and processes current period sales. It then deannualizes the resulting amount to determine the current gross amount of the overage rent.

2: Cumulative. The system directly processes YTD sales to determine the YTD gross amount of the overage rent. It then deducts YTD billings to determine the current gross amount of the overage rent.

3: Cumulative Pro Rata. This method is similar to method 2, except that the system annualizes and processes YTD sales and the result is deannualized.

4: Modified cumulative. This method is similar to method 2, except that when the system reaches a higher breakpoint it applies the rate associated with this breakpoint to all sales that exceed the first breakpoint.

5: Partial Year Pro Rata. The system calculates billings on the nearest 12 months of sales and then prorates them daily for the tenant's partial lease year occupancy.

6: Lease Pro Rata. This method is similar to method 3, except that the system uses the lease breakpoint to determine a maximum amount that is billable for the lease. The system then prorates the billable amount by product code and calculates the product code sales as a percentage of total sales.

Lease Breakpoint

Enter the amount that tenant sales must exceed before the system applies the sales breakpoint percentage. Depending on the computation method, the system compares the period, cumulative period, cumulative period annualized, or annual sales amounts to the breakpoint. If you set up multiple breakpoint amounts, the system applies the sales breakpoint percentage to the difference between the breakpoint amounts.

Invoice Estimates

Enter a value that specifies whether the system generates sales overage billing for non-actual sales. A non-actual sale is one for which the sales report type is not blank and a follow-up is required. Examples of non-actual sales include estimated sales and verbal sales (reported only). However, non-actual sales do not include those that the Projected Sales Generation program (R1542) forecasts. Values are:

N: Do not calculate sales overage billing.

Y: Calculate sales overage billing.

Suspend Code

A code that determines whether the billing line is active, suspended, or inactive. Valid values are:

Blank: Active. The billing line is eligible to generate recurring billings.

Y: Suspended. The billing line is not eligible to generate recurring billings after the date entered in the Suspend Date field (SUDT).

I: Inactive. The billing line is not eligible to generate recurring billings.

Suspend Date

The date from which the billing line is suspended. The system generates recurring billings for the billing line up to and including the date specified.

If you leave this field blank, and the Suspend Code is Y, the system does not generate recurring billings until the Suspend Code is changed to blank.

Billing Group

Enter a value that the system uses to group different tenants and leases into one combined billing. The system automatically displays the number of the first building displayed on the Lease Information form.

Billing Control ID

A unique number that the system assigns to each billing record. The system retrieves the number from the Next Numbers - Automatic table (F0002) for system 15, line 2 (Billing Control).

Bill Code

A code that specifies the billing information associated with the transaction. The system uses this code in accounts receivable and accounts payable to retrieve the corresponding automatic accounting instructions to determine the account for automatic offsets.

Examples of bill codes include:

RO - Regular office rent

MISC - Miscellaneous

MGMT - Management fees

Payment Terms

A code that indicates the default payment terms for a customer. Payment terms determine the due date, discount amount, and discount due date that the system assigns when you create an invoice. Use a blank code for the payment terms that you use most frequently. Examples of payment terms include:

Blank: Net 15

1: 1/10 net 30

2: 2/10 net 30

D: Due upon receipt

N: Net 30

P: Prox 25

Manual Review Reqd (manual review required)

Enter a value that specifies whether a review billing record must be reviewed before it can be approved for posting. Values are:

Blank: A review is not required.

Y: A review is required. The batch retains a status of Error until the Manual Rev Reqd field for the billing record is changed from Y to blank.

Version Suspend Code

A code that indicates whether a billing record is suspended by the versioning process. Valid values are:

Blank: Active. The billing record is not suspended.

1: Suspended. The billing record is suspended by the versioning process. A new billing record might exist for the subsequent version of the lease.