Assets (Release 9.2 Update)

Use the processing options on this tab to determine whether users can create non-property assets directly from the Lease Master, and to define default values used during asset creation.

1. Allow Asset Creation

Use this processing option to specify whether to allow users to create non-property assets from the Lease Master Revisions form using the Create Asset icon. If you do not allow asset creation, the system does not display the icon on the form. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow non-property asset creation.

1: Allow non-property asset creation.

2. Responsible Business Unit

Use this processing option to specify the default responsible business unit to use when creating assets from the Lease Master Revisions form.

3. Asset Cost Account Object

Use this processing option to specify the default object account to use when creating assets from the Lease Master Revisions form.

4. Asset Cost Account Subsidiary

Use this processing option to specify the default subsidiary account to use when creating assets from the Lease Master Revisions form.

5. Financing Method

Use this processing option to specify the default financing method to use when creating assets from the Lease Master Revisions form. The financing method identifies assets for lessee accounting processing. Valid values are found in UDC table (12/FM).