
1. Default Currency From

Specify the default transaction currency code to use in the Lease Currency Code field on the lease. Values are:

Blank: Use the currency code from the tenant's address book record as the default transaction currency code.

1: Use the currency code from the alternate payee's address book record as the default transaction currency code.

2: Use the currency code from the company to which the building is assigned as the default transaction currency code.

3: Do not supply a value for the transaction currency code. If you select this value, you must enter the transaction currency code manually. Otherwise, the system generates an error.

2. Transaction Currency Override

Specify whether to allow users to override the transaction currency code from the default value on the lease. Regardless of the setting of this processing option, the system does not allow the transaction currency code to be changed after a transaction has been billed for the lease. Values are:

Blank: Allow.

1: Do not allow.

3. Exchange Rate Override

Specify whether you can override the exchange rate that the system automatically copies either from the lease or from the Exchange Rate table (F0015) at billing generation. If you allow an override, you can change the exchange rate at any time. If you do not allow an override, the system displays the exchange rate value that was entered for the lease. However, the exchange rate value on the form is disabled for changes. Values are:

Blank: Allow the exchange rate to be overridden.

1: Use the exchange rate that the system automatically copies from the lease, or leave blank to retrieve the exchange rate at billing generation.

Note: For a lessee lease, the transaction currency and the exchange rate are derived from the lease header for all lines that have an effect on lease liability. These fields are disabled in the detail grid and cannot be edited irrespective of how the processing options are defined.