
1. Amount to Reconcile

Specify how the system processes estimated billings. Values are:

Blank: Reconcile estimated billings. The system retrieves the estimated billing amounts from either the Customer Ledger table (F03B11) or the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411), based on the bill code entered in the Est B/R field. The system uses the same dates to retrieve the estimated billing amounts that it uses to retrieve the expense amounts, and then subtracts that amount from the tenant's net share.

1: Reconcile estimated billings less adjustments. The system retrieves the estimated billing amounts from either the Customer Ledger table or the Accounts Payable Ledger table, based on the bill code entered in the Est B/R field. Additionally, the system includes the receipt adjustment records for the same bill code from the Receipts Detail table (F03B14). Because the receipt adjustments are negative, including adjustments reduces the estimated billing amount and increases the tenant's net share. The system uses the same dates to retrieve the estimated billing amounts that it uses to retrieve the expense amounts, and then subtracts that amount from the tenant's net share.

2: Reconcile payments to estimated billings. The system retrieves the payments, including unapplied receipts, for estimated billing amounts from either the Receipts Detail table or the Accounts Payable Matching Document Detail table (F0414), based on the bill code entered in the Est B/R field. The system uses the same dates to retrieve the estimated billing amounts that it uses to retrieve the expense amounts, and then subtracts that amount from the tenant's net share.

2. A/R or A/P Retrieval Date (accounts receivable or accounts payable retrieval date)

Specify the date to use for retrieving the estimated billing amounts from the Accounts Receivable tables or the Accounts Payable transaction table (F03B11, F03B14, F0411, F0414). Values are:

Blank: Invoice date.

1: Due date.

2: Service or tax date.

3: GL date.

3. Override Begin Date

Specify the beginning date to use to retrieve the estimated billings from the Accounts Receivable tables or the Accounts Payable transaction tables (F03B11, F03B14, F0411, F0414). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the dates in the Billing Period Number and Fiscal Year processing options.

4. Override End Date

Specify the ending date to use to retrieve the estimated billings from the Accounts Receivable tables or the Accounts Payable transaction tables (F03B11, F03B14, F0411, F0414). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the dates in the Billing Period Number and Fiscal Year processing options.

5. Version Override

Specify the dates to use to retrieve the estimated billings from the Accounts Receivable tables or the Accounts Payable transaction tables (F03B11, F03B14, F0411, F0414) if versioning is active. If lease versioning is not active, the system ignores this processing option. Values are:

Blank: Use the occupancy dates in the Occupancy From and Occupancy To fields on the expense participation record.

1: Use the dates in the Override Begin Date and Override End Date processing options. If those processing options are blank, the system uses the dates defined by the Billing Period Number and Fiscal Year processing options.