Building Info


Enter a value that specifies the building number.


In the unlabeled field to the right of the Building field, enter a description for the building. This field is required.


Enter the number of the company that is responsible for the property or building, or the company that is responsible for the original billing on the lease.

Level of Detail

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table H00/LD that specifies the relationship of parent and subordinate business units in a hierarchy. The default level of detail is 9.

For the parent business unit, enter a value that is less detailed than the value for the subordinate business unit.

B.U. Type (business unit type)

Enter the user-defined code from UDC table 00/MC that identifies the classification of the business unit. Although this field is required, you can set up blank as a value in the UDC table.

Facility Address

Enter the address book number of the company or person named as the lessee or lessor on the lease.

Remit to Address

Enter the address book number that identifies the remit-to address for Accounts Receivable (AR) invoices and statements.

Project Number

Enter the number that identifies the associated property, building, or project. This number is a business unit. The business unit for a property can be different from the business unit for an associated building.