Tax/Account Info

Tax Area - Payroll

Informational only. Identifies the code of a taxing authority. All time entries for the cost center appear by default as the value that is entered in this field.

Labor Distri. Meth (labor distribution method)

Informational only. Controls whether the labor costs include a flat burden for payroll taxes and benefits. Values are:

0: The flat burden factor is always 1.0000, so the resulting amount for the flat burden is 0.

1: The flat burden factor is always greater than 1.0000, so the labor costs include a flat burden.

Burden Account

Informational only. Specifies where payroll labor burdens are distributed for a job (business unit). Use this value only if the user elects to split payroll burdens in the payroll company constants. Otherwise, burdens are included in the amount that is distributed to the base labor account (OBJ1). Burdens include all company-paid payroll expenses, including FICA, FUI, SUI, workers' compensation and general liability insurance premiums, company-paid benefits, and fringe benefits.

At this time, the system cannot separate the burdens that are related to base labor versus premium labor; they are combined.

Labor Account

Informational only. Indicates the account to which payroll labor is distributed for a job (business unit). This field can be overridden by an object account (a non blank account) that is established at the union-job category level. Also, this field overrides an object account that is set up at the automatic accounting instruction (AAI) account level.

Premium Account

Informational only. Indicates the object account portion of a general ledger account.