Creating Amortization Schedules Using the Lease Information Program (P1501)

Use one of the following methods to create amortization schedules for assets on a lease.

To create amortization schedules for all lessee accounting lines for a selected lease:

  1. From the Tenant & Lease Information menu (G1511), select Lease Information.

  2. From the Work With Leases form, select a lease, and then select Create Amort Sched from the row menu.

  3. The system creates amortization schedules for all of the lines on the lease that have a Lease Liability Status of 10, and have a Lease Classification value of Operating Lease or Finance Lease.

    If any of the lines are not successfully processed, the system updates the status to 05, and continues processing the other lines.

To create amortization schedules for individual lines on a lease:

  1. From the Tenant & Lease Information menu (G1511), select Lease Information.

  2. From the Work With Leases form, select a lease, and then click Select.

  3. On the Lease Master Revisions form, select the lines for which you want to create schedules, and then select Create Amort Sched from the row menu.

  4. The system creates amortization schedules for all of the selected lines that have a Lease Liability Status of 10, and have a Lease Classification value of Operating Lease or Finance Lease.

For additional information about the Lease Information program, see Setting Up Lease Information.