Running the Lease Commencement Program (R15170)

From the Balance Sheet Lessee Accounting menu (G15201), select Lease Commencement.

Use this program to create lease amortization schedules and to create lease commencement journal entries.

Note: This program is hard coded to exclude any lease detail lines (F15017) with a lease liability status of 99, Schedules Not Required. This status is automatically updated on the lease line if the lease classification is set to Not On the Balance Sheet.

Before you begin, review and set the processing options to determine:

  • Whether to create the amortization schedules only, processes lease commencement journals only, or create schedules and process journals during a single run of the program.

  • Whether to retrieve the exchange rate from the lease header, use the system date to retrieve the exchange rate from the Currency Exchange Rates table (F0015), or enter a specified date to use for the retrieval of the exchange rate.

  • Whether amortization schedule review is required before creating journal entries. Note that if you require review, you cannot process both of these steps in a single run. You must first create schedules, then review the schedules and update the lease liability status to 30, then rerun the program to create journal entries.

  • The date to use if you are transitioning existing leases to the balance sheet lessee accounting standard.

  • Whether to run this program in proof or final mode.

  • Whether to continue processing if warnings or errors are encountered.

  • Specify the program versions to use when processing lessee information.

  • Define settings for journal batch approval.

  • Adjustment limits for remaining balance adjustments.

  • Whether to create right of use asset as-of balance adjustment entries.

This program produces a report that lists the errors and warnings.