Creating Lease Commencement Journal Entries Using the Work With Amortization Schedules Program (P15171)

  1. From the Balance Sheet Lessee Accounting menu (G15201), select Amortization Schedules.

  2. On the Work With Amortization Schedules form, search for the lease and asset for which you want to create journal entries, and select the row.

    Note that the schedule must already exist for the selected row, and the lease liability status must be 20 (if no schedule review is required) or 30 (if schedule review is required).

  3. From the row menu, select Create Commence JEs.

  4. From the Lease Commencement Options dialog box, enter a value in the following fields:

    • G/L Date

    • Exchange Rate Method

    • Exchange Rate Date (if the Exchange Rate Method is set as User Defined Date)

Note: The default value for G/L date is based on the processing option for G/L date on the Commencement tab of R15170. The dialog box displays Exchange Rate Method and Exchange Rate Date fields only if it is a multicurrency lease. If the lease header currency code is the same as the asset's base currency code, the dialog box displays only the G/L Date field.