Reviewing, Approving and Posting Lease Commencement Journal Entries

  1. From the Balance Sheet Lessee Accounting menu (G15201), select Balance Sheet Lessee Accounting Batch Review.

  2. On the Work With Balance Sheet Lessee Accounting Batches form, search for the batch you want to work with. You can use the options on the form to narrow your search to posted or unposted batches.

  3. From the row menu, select one of these options, depending on the action you want to take:

    • JE Review

      On the Journal Entries form, review the selected batch of journal entries. Click Close to return to the previous form.

    • Batch Approval

      On the Batch Approval window, select the appropriate approval status and then click OK.

    • Void JE

      On the Void Journal Entry form, enter the G/L Date for the void and then click OK.

    • Post By Batch

      This option runs the version of the General Ledger Post program (R09801) that is specified in the processing options.

    • Amortization Sched

      Select this option if you want to view information on the associated amortization schedules.

If the Foreign check box is selected in the Lease Liability Amortization Schedule form or the Right of Use Asset Amortization Schedule form, the amounts in the CA Ledger Type in the Work With Balance Sheet Lessee Accounting Batches Journal Entry form are based on the schedule amounts in the transaction (foreign) currency. If this check box is not selected, the amounts in the AA Ledger Type are based on the schedule amounts in the domestic currency.