
Lease Currency Code

Enter the code that identifies the currency of a transaction.

Lease Currency Code is defined based on how the processing options are specified in P1501.This is the transaction currency code on the schedules and it must be the same across all records used for amortization schedule processing. It can be changed before recurring or manual billing or amortization schedules are created.

Lease Override Exchange Rate

Enter the number that specifies the exchange rate that a foreign currency amount is multiplied by or divided by to calculate a domestic currency amount.

You can enter a value with up to seven decimal positions. If you enter more, the system adjusts to the nearest seven decimal positions.

Note: For a lessee lease, the transaction currency and the exchange rate are derived from the lease header for all lines that have an effect on lease liability. These fields are disabled in the lease detail grid and cannot be edited irrespective of how the processing options are defined.