Detail Area

These fields appear in the detail area:

Move-in Date

Specify the date on which the tenant moves into the unit, or the initial use date for a non-property asset.

Plan-Out Date

Specify the date on which the tenant plans to move out of the unit or the planned end use date of the non-property asset.

Actual-Out Date

Specify the date on which the tenant physically moved out of the unit or the actual end use date of the non-property asset.

Unt Grp (unit group code)

Enter the three-character alphanumeric code that you can use to organize similar units for reporting or billing purposes. This field corresponds to the unit group code that you can use to set up one billing line to represent multiple units in the Recurring Billing, Escalation, and Expense Participation programs. For example, if two units exist to which you assign unit grouping codes of 61 and 1, respectively, you can set up a recurring billing line with a unit group code of 1 to specify both units.

By allowing a three-to-one match with the recurring billing Unit Group Code field, you can assign meaning to each character of the unit grouping code and establish an unlimited number of groups to use in recurring billing, escalations, and E.P.

This field is used for property leases only.

SIC (standard industrial classification)

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 01/SC that specifies a SIC code, which identify the industry classification of the occupant of a leased facility, such as construction, retail trade, or finance. This field is informational only.

Sublease Date

Enter the date on which the term of a sublease begins. If a sublease exists, the system updates this date on the parent or original lease. A sublease is designated by the lease type, which you set up in UDC table 15/LT.

DBA (doing business as)

Enter the address book number that identifies the name under which a tenant operates if the tenant name is different from the tenant name on the lease. You can use the DBA number to separate or combine sales information for reports. The system validates the number against the Address Book Master table (F0101).

Alt. Area Type 1 through Alt. Area Type 5 (alternate area type)

Enter codes from UDC table 15/AR that specifies area types other than rentable or leasable. These fields are used for property leases only.

Alternate Area 1 through Alternate Area 5

Enter an area value that corresponds to the area type that you specified in the alternate area type field. For example, if you specify AAin the Alt. Area Type 1 field, you should enter the corresponding square footage in the Alternate Area 1 field. These fields are used for property leases only.

Trans Curr (transaction currency code)

Enter the code that identifies the currency of a transaction.

Override Exch Rate (override exchange rate)

Enter the number that specifies the exchange rate that a foreign currency amount is multiplied by or divided by to calculate a domestic currency amount. You can enter a value with up to seven decimal positions. If you enter more, the system adjusts to the nearest seven decimal positions.

Note: For a lessee lease, the transaction currency and the exchange rate are derived from the lease header for all lines that have an effect on lease liability. These fields are disabled and cannot be edited irrespective of how the processing options are defined..
Lessee Accounting Fields (Release 9.2 Update)

The following fields are available in the detail area to support lessee accounting:

Building/Business Unit

For property assets, you enter the associated building. For non-property assets, you enter the associated business unit.This field appears as Building on lessor leases.

ROUA End Date

Enter a date in this field if the date on which you relinquish control of the asset is greater than the recurring billing end date for the asset. If you leave this field blank, the system assumes the recurring billing end date is the date on which you no longer control the asset. This date cannot be earlier than the recurring billing end date.

Create Non-Property Asset

Click this icon to create non-property asset records in the Fixed Asset system, and add them to your lease. Processing options determine whether this option is available on the form.

When you click this Icon, the Create Asset window appears. Complete the Asset Description field, and review the values in the remaining fields, which are populated with default values from the processing options. If you want to override these values, you must do so on this screen before clicking OK. When you click OK, the asset is added as a line in the detail area. You must click Save and Continue or Save and Close on the Lease Master Revisions form to save the asset on the lease. If you click Cancel, the asset you just created is still available in the Asset Master table, but it will not be added to the lease.

Unit Asset Number

Review this field for property assets. This value is retrieved from the Unit Master table (F1507) and is not editable.

Asset Number

Populate this field for non-property assets. This field is not editable if there is a value in the Unit field. If you enter a value in this field, the system automatically selects the Non-Property Asset option, and disables fields that are specific to property assets. Additionally, you cannot enter an asset number that is associated with a unit.

When you enter a non-property asset, the system retrieves the responsible business unit for the asset from the Asset Master, and populates the Building/Business Unit field. If you manually enter a value in the Building/Business Unit field that does not match the business unit from the Asset Master, the system replaces the manually entered value with the business unit from the Asset Master and issues a warning.

Non-Property Asset

This option is automatically selected when you enter a non-property asset in the Asset Number field.

Additional Lessee Fields:

These fields have also been added to the lease to support balance sheet lessee accounting:

  • Lease Classification

  • Reasonably Certain to Exercise Option

  • Lease Liability Status

  • Borrowing Rate

  • Sublease Impact on ROUA

  • Lease Commencement Date

  • Batch Number (from the lease commencement journal entries)

  • New Category Code fields

  • Specialized Asset

  • Transfer of Ownership

  • Fair Value at Begin Date

  • Fair Value at End Date

  • Probable Guaranteed Residual Value

  • Full Guaranteed Residual Value

  • Guaranteed Residual Percent

  • Purchase Option Amount

  • Other Payments

These fields display only if the Lessee option on the Lessee Accounting tab is selected. The Lease Classification, Borrowing Rate, and Reasonably Certain to Exercise Option values default from the header initially, but can be changed. Whether the lessee accounting fields in the detail area are editable is controlled by a processing option.