Entering Straight-line Rent Setup Information for Leases (Release 9.2 Update)

After you set up a lease, the system automatically creates a Straight-line Rent Setup record for the lease, based on the default setup information that was defined in the Real Estate Management Constants. If you want to use the default values, no additional steps are required.

To review, and if allowed, update the straight-line rent setup for a lease, complete these steps:

  1. From the Lease Master Revisions form, select Setup Straight-line from the form menu.

  2. On the Lease Straight-line Rent Setup form, select a value from the Lease Term Dates Selection field.

  3. If you select User Defined Lease Term Dates, complete the Lease Term Begin Date and Lease Term End Date fields.

  4. Select a value in the Lease Version Date Selection field.

  5. If you selected User Defined Lease Version Date, complete the Lease Version Effective Date field.

  6. To specify that you want to append any regenerated straight-line rent records to previously created records when straight-line information is regenerated, select the Append on Regeneration option.

    When the option is selected, the system retains the existing records in the Straight-line Rent Lease Control table (F1513B) that were created from the previous run of the Straight-line Rent Generation program (R15130), and the results from the current run are appended to the results of the previous run. The system updates all records to use the new batch number from the second run of the R15130.

    When the option is not selected, the system deletes the F1513B records from the previous run of the R15130 when you rerun the R15130. The only results are the results of the current run.

    When appending results from two runs of the R15130, the lease term of the previous run must not overlap with the lease term of the new run. If the lease terms overlap, then you must deselect this option so that the system deletes the F1513B records from the previous run while generating amounts for the new lease term.

    When running the R15130 to append results of a lease term that ends mid-month and a lease term that starts mid-month, the Prorate Partial Month Rents processing option should be set to 1 (prorate partial month rents). If you set the Prorate Partial Month Rents processing option to 2 (prorate on a 30 day month) or 3 (prorate on a 31 day month), the results might be incorrect depending on the partial month being processed.

  7. Click OK to save your changes.