Reviewing and Updating Lease Straight-line Rent Setup Information (Release 9.2 Update)

To review, and if allowed, update the straight-line rent setup information for multiple leases, complete these steps:

  1. From the Straight-line Rent menu (G1528), select Lease Straight-line Setup.

  2. On the Work With Lease Straight-line Rent Setup, select one of these options to specify which leases you want to review:

    • All Leases

    • Leases With Straight-line Rent Setup

    • Leases Without Straight-line Rent Setup

  3. To review the straight-line setup for all versions, select the Display All Versions option.

    When displaying all versions, the system adds a green check mark next to the current active version of the lease. Also, the system displays this option, as well as any lease version information in the grid, only if lease versions are activated in the Real Estate Management Constants.

  4. To update a record (if allowed), select the record, and then click Select.

    Processing option settings determine which fields you are able to update.