
Use these processing options to specify default values on the Work with Customer Receipts Inquiry, Receipt Entry, Additional Information, Load Invoices, and Select Invoices forms. When you enter the receipt, you can override any of the values that you enter in these processing options.

1. Display Receipt Type

Specify which type of receipts to display on the Work With Customer Receipts Inquiry form. Values are:

1: All

2: Unapplied

3: Logged

4: General Ledger

2. Date Type

Specify the default date type to use for the Date Selection From and Through fields. Values are:

1: Receipt date

2: GL date

3. Type Input Code

Specify the default type input code for applying receipts to invoices automatically. Use this processing option with the Automatic Application processing option. If you set the Automatic Application processing option to 1 (do not allow auto application), the system ignores this processing option. Values are:

Blank: The system does not use a default value.

10: Simple invoice match.

11: Match auto chargeback discount.

15: Match with write-off.

16: Match with chargeback.

17: Match with deduction.

4. Remark

Specify the default remark to assign to receipt detail records. Values are:

Blank: Use the remark from the invoice record.

1: Use the remark from the receipt header.

5. Receipt Numbering

Specify whether the system assigns the receipt number automatically using the Next Numbers program (P0002). Values are:

Blank: Do not automatically assign the receipt number. You must manually enter the receipt number.

1: Automatically assign the receipt number.

6. Deduction Reason Code

Specify a user-defined code (UDC) from UDC table 03B/CR that identifies the default deduction reason for entering a deduction amount. If you leave this processing option blank, you must enter the deduction reason code in the detail area on the RE Receipts Entry form.

7. Override Company Number

Specify the default company number to use on the Load, Select, and Remittance forms. Values are:

Blank: Use the company number from the RE Receipts Entry form.

1: Use * for all companies.

8. Bill Code for Unapplied Receipts

Specify whether to use the value in the G/L Offset field of the customer record (F03012) as the default value for the Unapplied Bill Code field when you enter unapplied receipts. The system locates the AR trade account based on the bill code that you use. Values are:

Blank: Do not use the value from the customer record. The system uses the first bill code that it locates in the Billing Code Extension table (F1512) that has a value of UNC in the Special Processing Code field.

1: Use the GL offset from the customer record. If the customer record does not have a GL offset defined, the system uses the first bill code that it locates in the Billing Code Extension table (F1512) that has a value of UNC in the Special Processing Code field.